What DeSantis Did Highlights the Issue, It Was Not a Political Stunt.

2 years ago

Talking about mutilating our children. They are the ones that are the future of our country. They are the ones that can save our republic. They are the ones that could correct our elections. They are the ones that can protect us from our enemies foreign and domestic. At 9 am we will talk about a story around Marjorie Taylor Greene’s bill Protecting Children’s Innocence.

It will not be until Jim Jordan and getting control of the house will something get done about the documents in Mar-a-Lago.

2.2 million have crossed the border. There have been reports of 500K but we know it is closer to 800K to a million that got away. Lets just say there are 3million people that crossed the border. There were thousands that were sent to NYC, Chicago, and DC and they sent 50 to Martha’s Vineyard. How is the country reacting to that. MSNBC reports that Ron DeSantis keeps White House Delaware officials guessing on migrant flight. Touting that it would be outrageous that the governors of FL, TX and AZ aren’t communicating with the sanctuary cities that they are sending the migrants too. Is the federal government communicating with the governors across this country, the mayors, the counties and cities across this county of where the illegals are going? They are suing Ron DeSantis with a class action lawsuit over the being promised offered cash assistance, employment and housing services to go to Martha’s Vineyard. The democrat sheriff who’s probing Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott for human trafficking claims US should embrace 2M migrants who’ve flooded over the border because the country needs more restaurant staff. Ron DeSantis did this to highlight the issue, not a political stunt.

DOJ charges accuse 48 in $250M meals fraud.

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