September 20, 2022: Famous People talk about DeSantis & Russel Brand talks Facebook Tomfoolery.

2 years ago

#Askmeanything #charlamagnethagod #russellbrand

This one has famous liberals talking about Red States
sending Migrants to Kamala Harris’s House

Russel Brand goes deep into Mark Zuckerberg ADMITTING that the FBI suppressed the Hunter Biden Laptop story.

They help you develop your message & voice FREE!

..You hear about this show called
World Peace for Free?
It’s this show that’s becoming the most subscribed channel on YouTube
NOT part of the Ad-Money Program.

Trolling the algorithm to share the motto of the show:
“Why War? Let’s Talk!”

They react to content & questions from their listeners
while giving advice on how not-to-be-an-asshole these days.
Then tbey save a timeline of events on Insta until 2030.
(When he'll picks a new host for the show.)

Folks like it because it’s like they're using the platform to find & promote
the best ideas for Peace by asking their audience to send content
they feel would be useful decades from now,
for the kids of our kids.

Best part,
No commercial interruptions.
Not even sponsor interruptions.

100% Fan Supported.

The Ministry answers the question:
What if George Carlin started a Church?

So the host became a minister through those websites people go to marry their friends. :)

...Here's to World Peace FOR FREE!

This video may contain copyrighted material; the use of which has been for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting which constitutes 'fair use' under section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Not withstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work for purposes such as criticism, comment, review and news reporting is not an infringement of copyright.

All names and dates have LITERALLY changed because our show is outside of time.

For example,
you can look at our past videos.

The posting date and the time cards are WAY different.


We do this so we can cover the topics our audience is most interested in.

We're glad to be your Crowdsourced News Station.
We accept the responsibility to live in a "Perpetual Workflow Test"
So let those suggestions fly!

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