Why drunk driving should matter to everyone

2 years ago

Meet my daughter Kellie, she fought for 391 days. People like Pelosi don't care about our children and how they could affect our lives in the blink of an eye. She was my baby girl, my heart beat. A selfish choice by a selfish man just like Paul took my baby from me, my unborn grandson she was carrying, my daughter's friend Jeremy who was driving them and that guy left my infant grandson behind to be raised without his mother. It's been 10 years. The image of my daughter rotting to death for 391 days haunts me day and night. People like Pelosi, and these bleeding heart judges that give these sweetheart deals may one day experience the heart wrenching pain I endured, until then, they could care less about how their decisions affect us.
Drunk driving is an unconscionable violation that will steal your peace and rock you to the core. Please don't drink and drive, it may not be you who suffers, but someone will and someone always pays the ultimate price for your choices

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