The Last Days Pt 436 - What is a Generation?

2 years ago

Join Pastor Joseph Cortes as he rips the Band-Aid off one of the most common arguments used for dating the second coming of Jesus Christ:

Matthew 24-34 "Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled."

Simple right? Just figure out exactly how long a generation is, then add that number to the date you think "that generation" started, and Voila! You have the date of His return, right? - W-R-O-N-G!

So, what is a generation in the Bible? Watch and find out!

This video is part of an extensive sub-series in the "The Last Days" archives called "The Second Coming of Jesus Christ - Genesis to Present - From the Beginning to the End"

"The Last Days" archives can be found in the "Teaching Center" video section on the website. Click here to go to it:

Presented by: Joseph Cortes of Faith Cometh By Hearing ministries found at

Keep in mind, this series is presented in the order they were recorded, the archives are in chronological order, which means it's best to start with the first and journey your way through up to modern day, as Pastor Cortes is still adding new segments.

In 2 Corinthians 9:7 it reads, “God loveth a cheerful giver.” The Greek word for cheerful is Hilaros which means when someone is prompt to do something, they are ready in mind, with a joyful heart. In the Septuagint it also means to cause to shine. Today I am looking for Hilaros Givers who are ready and full of joy for the opportunity to cause others to shine by hearing, learning, and growing in God's Word. Join with us today and participate as a Hilaros Giver. If you wish to participate use the following link:

ATTENTION: Subscribe to our YouTube channel for notifications when new videos are added.

This lecture and 1000's more are available in the Teaching Center video archives at:

There you will find hours of lectures relating to these subjects:

Change of Mind - The real meaning of Repentance

David - A man called after God's own heart

Discipleship - What does it mean to be a disciple of Christ?

Eternal Rewards - What are, and how do we earn eternal rewards?

Faith Sermons - What is, and how do we practice our faith?

Fear Not - Sermons to lift you up in hard times

Fruit of the Spirit - What is the fruit produced in us, for us, and by us

Giving - What does the Bible really teach about giving and tithing?

Healing - Learn what the scriptures say about God's healing you.

I Am - Who is the great I AM?

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