How Costly Is YOUR Worship? | Bible Study With Me | John John 11:55-12:8

2 years ago

Welcome to this Daily Devotional Today. Bible Study with me as we walk through John 11:55-12:8 | Daily Bible reading is essential to Christian maturity so let’s look at our daily Bible verse as we do this deep dive Bible study.
What is the passage saying?
-What does this mean for me?

1.) v.55-57 Jesus Had good reason to be concerned
-We should be realists understanding safety and what is going on
2.) 12:1-2 Jesus went to Bethany anyway
-We should be very bold and courageous when we are doing God's work
3.) v.3 Mary anoints Jesus' feet with expensive perfume
-We should give precious offerings in response to Jesus' love
4.) v.4-8 Judas accuses and impugns Mary's worship
-We should be careful not to criticize other's acts of worship- we cannot see their heart

From what perspective is this Bible study?
-Steve Poplar’s Bible Study seeks to walk thru the Bible alone in these Bible study lessons in the doctrine of being saved by grace through faith.

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How to study the Bible
#biblestudy #gospelofjohn #john

May God Richly Bless You,
Steve Poplar, Christian YouTuber
Elder at a Bible Believing Church
Host of: Poplar Preparedness
Host of: Mission: To All Peoples

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