GPS #48 - Subvert Me Softly And Twitter My Bologna

2 years ago

On this episode of the Garbage Pail Skids;
- Prometheus/Alien Covenant
- Last episode....
- Habadashery
- Kevin kicked off Twitter
- Elon Musk and Twitter
- Steven Seagal stories
- Fake Martial Artists
- A package of cookies
- Bologna
- Inflation rising
- Junk food and drinks no longer around
- Tik Tok causing mental health problems
- Scatman!!
- Conspiracy Corner: Yuri Bezmenov

Opening Theme -
Title: Garage - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena (No Copyright Music)
Video Link:
Genre Music: Rock - Country

Opening Video -
Dumpster fire Brighton Fire 04-18-13

Velvet Alley Designs -

#gps #garbagepailskids #podcast #comedy #twitter #bologna #habadashery #prometheus #alien #aliencovenant #elonmusk #inflation #tiktok #china #scatman #batman #cereal #stevenseagal #robschnieder #johnleguizamo #cookies #martialarts #georgedillman #frankdux #ashidakim #blackdragonfightingsociety

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