Britain Enters a New, Dark Era

2 years ago

[00:30] The Queen’s Funeral: A Worldwide Event (48 minutes)

An estimated 4 billion people worldwide watched the funeral ceremony for Queen Elizabeth II yesterday. Two million people lined the streets of central London to watch the funeral procession; 400,000 people waited in line for up to 24 hours to see the Queen lying in state. Many inspiring quotes from the Holy Bible were used throughout the ceremony—possibly the last time we will see a ceremony in Britain or America with so many references to the Word of God. At the same time, international media personalities and politicians are bashing the history of the British Empire, praising the Queen while disparaging everything she stood for. In his Trumpet Brief last night, editor in chief Gerald Flurry explained the real significance of the Queen’s funeral and what Britain’s future is going to look like.

[48:50] Listener Feedback (6 minutes)

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