Crazy snake patterns

2 years ago

The brass-tailed pit viper is found from the plains to the mountains at elevations of 1900 m. Live in riverside, grass slope, woodland or far away from the water waste land, rock pile, predation loach, rodents, toad, oviviparous. Oviviparous, mating was observed in May and September, and 2-20 larvae were born from August to September. The length of the newborn snake was 140-170mm. If the temperature varies greatly throughout the day, the vipers will be active at different times. When the weather is cold, he only comes out of the nest around noon. When the temperature is above 25℃, there is more activity at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. When the temperature exceeds 30℃, the activity is frequent in the early morning and dusk, but rarely comes out at noon. The brachytailed pit viper is an inert snake that likes to be quiet but not to move. Its activities are slow and clumsy, and its prey is often attacked by surprise. Choose a comfortable position, with your head in the middle and slightly raised. Because the body has a fake protective color and is not easy to be detected by small animals, when a frog, mouse, or bird is passing by its prey, the pit of the cheek and tongue can be detected by a long way. As soon as they're within striking distance, they pop out with their heads, snap their fangs into their prey and wait for a moment to release them. The prey is poisoned immediately after the bite, struggling and moving slowly, and the pit viper follows until the animal is immobile before slowly swallowing it.

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