The 48 Laws of Power (Animated)

2 years ago

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I crafted this summary of the 48 Laws of Power in anger. It is the end result of 2 years of animating all chapters condensed for your viewing pleasure. Surely, you've heard the phrase "Hate the game, not the player." I'm exposing the game and the players for you.

Being honest and speaking the truth has been a punishing and not at all rewarding experience, since most people will always shoot the messenger. I aim to raise awareness and arm the clueless for self-protection. I am not advocating becoming a manipulating and ruthless sociopath.

I can't respect those who don't understand the difference. It's a self-improvement book, not the work of the devil. Robert Greene is all about intense realism. Seeing things for what they are, whether you like the truth or not.

Hopefully you'll find the video helpful, learn from it and share it with others. I've received plenty of messages from good people claiming it changed their lives for the better.

Don't let others use and abuse you. Don't live in a fantasy land. Be cautious. Read this book or don't. It's up to you.

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Music | Ross Bugden

Watch my extended summary on the 48 Laws of Power -

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