FDA Covered Up CV19 Vax Biological Catastrophe – Prof. Dr. Peter McCullough

2 years ago

TimeLine: 39:00 If you already had covid and then you take the vaccine, you will die. 42:00 all the recipients of CV19 Injections test HIV Positive

Dr. Peter McCullough is a renowned cardiologist who fought the accepted government CV19 vax narrative from the beginning. Dr. McCullough said, “The injections should have been halted in February of 2021.” Instead, the government mandated the clot shots, and the CDC and FDA covered up the problems. The FDA is still covering up massive deaths and injuries from the mRNA shots. Dr. McCullough explains, “It’s the great gamble of the Covid19 vaccine program. It was the gamble of a lifetime, if not a gamble of all-time. The vaccines install the genetic code for the lethal Wuhan spike protein that was engineered in a bio-security lab in Wuhan, China. This is the worst idea ever to install a fatal protein and have it installed for an uncontrolled duration and an uncontrolled quantity in the human body. . . . This is a biological catastrophe in unspeakable proportions. . . . Nobody wants these shots now, and they are still mandating them and forcing them on people.”

According to Dr. McCullough, the FDA admits the shots cause fatal heart damage, Fatal blood clotting, strokes, neurological injuries and other problems. When the evidence mounted on how deadly and debilitating the CV19 injections were, the FDA covered it all up instead of pulling them off the market. Dr. McCullough says, “Now, we have the additional deaths from the CV19 vaccines. The CDC shows 14,000 died the next day, and that is a gross under-reporting. . . The World Council for Health points out four agencies, including VAERS with 40,000 certified deaths, and that may be an under-reporting of 100 to 1. It’s a vast number, and no governments are doing investigations. ….

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Vaccines & The Law
The law is clear. An experimental vaccine cannot be mandated. We want you to be armed with resources to advocate for yourself and your loved ones. Here is a letter template to utilize related to your employer or school attempting to mandate the Covid-19 experimental vaccine candidates. Please edit the portion in red, specific to you, and distribute. Send to principals, superintendents, department of education officials, managers, corporate officers, etc. Put everyone on notice! Send on your own or unite with others’ signatures in support of your movement. Informed and united people are truly the greatest threat to tyranny!

Masks & The Law
We want you to be armed with resources to advocate for yourself and your loved ones. Here are letter templates related to mask mandates at schools and at work. Please edit the portion in red, specific to you, and distribute. Send to principals, superintendents, department of education officials, managers, board of directors, etc. Put them on notice! Send on your own or unite with others’ signatures in support of your movement. Informed and united people are truly the greatest threat to tyranny!

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