E.T. Contactee and Her Mission on Earth | Sherry Wilde

2 years ago

UFO HUB Lecture Series - August 3, 2019


There are millions of us here. We go by many names…starseeds, lightworkers, volunteers, frequency holders, teachers and light warriors. Many have never awakened to their mission or only have a vague sense of a higher purpose to their life. Some are still not “activated”. Hundreds of thousands live their life quietly, serving their cause without recognition for the service they are providing. Those of us who were called to come to this planet, so that we could shine a light into the darkness, live a life void of free will. We are often ostracized, ridiculed and attacked, but we continue with our mission. In this lecture I will share insights into my life as a volunteer and light warrior. These are my personal stories of interaction with the many different groups I have spent time with from my childhood through present.


Sherry Wilde was living an idyllic life as a wife, mother and business owner until 1987 when her community experienced a UFO flap that was considered one of the most active in the world.

No one could have ever guessed the unbelievable turn of events that would occur over the next 18-24 months as Sherry was forced to accept her involvement in a phenomenon that was totally unknown to her.

Faced with the indisputable evidence that she was experiencing contact with extra-terrestrial beings was astonishing to this pragmatic and levelheaded woman of 37, but to learn her contact had been ongoing for her entire life almost pushed her over the edge.

Sherry spent the next several years of her life trying to exonerate the experiences from her mind and did her best to return to a normal life, but when heavy contact started again in late 2009, after several years of relative peace, she could no longer ignore it.

Inexplicably she found herself writing a book about the encounters as her memory opened up to the past events and the teachings these beings had imparted to her. Overcoming her fear and learning the truth of her involvement with these ultra-dimensional beings became her life goal.

She now accepts the truth of these encounters and has cooperative contact on a regular basis with the beings she affectionately refers to as “her guys.”



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