Available on Amazon: Don't Give Up On Your Dreams - Keep Dreaming: My Dream Journal

2 years ago

Available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09WKZN1Y3

A dream is a series of images, ideas, emotions, and feelings that occur involuntarily in the mind during sleep. Humans dream for around two or more hours per night, with each dream lasting 5 to 20 minutes.

Some dreams can be amusing, scary, or completely odd. Even if we don't recall it the next day, we all dream. There are numerous hypotheses as to why we dream, but no one is certain. According to some academics, dreams have no significance or purpose. Others argue that dreams are necessary for our mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

What Are the Benefits of Keeping a Dream Journal?

We can keep track of what happens in our dreams by keeping a dream notebook. As a result, we have a better understanding of what we have stored in our heads.

This is why we created this beautiful journal and hope that you find it beneficial.

Sweet Dreams,

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