My Theory: Why Democrats are Disincentivized to Seek Truth...

2 years ago

I’m open to Debate ANYTHING I SAY…
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- The goal isn’t to “win the argument”. The goal is for everyone to have a better understanding into the other side's perspective. We could really use those at the moment.

Video Description:
This is just my theory and like I always say, I'm open to debate anything that I say.

I think the main reason why Democrat voters don't seek truth is because Trump Supporters or Trump Voters have been framed as classless, white trash, uneducated, bigoted, poor idiots.

Unfortunately, the further you go Left, the more you emphasize the community or social circles over the individual which leads to more group think. When someone thinks outside of the group then they're usually ousted.

Also, because Lefties tend to emphasize the social circle more than the individual, they also derive their identity based on how they perceive that others in their social circle perceive them.

So even if a Liberal has the intuition that something isn't quite adding up or that the people they deem as "deplorable" might make the most logical sense, they have no incentive to seek the truth because doing so may get them ousted from their most important sense of identity. So in order to maintain their identity they must also shun the truth. lol

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