"Like a Lamb to the Slaughter", (Jeremiah 11:18 - 12:6), 2022-09-18, Longbranch Community Church

2 years ago

Today, well today… we feasted! Beautiful piano by Ms. Laura, gentle guitar by Mr. Oliver, a wonderful Gideon’s presentation given by Mr. Bill McKinney. Pastor John topped it all off with a sermon straight out of God’s Word (as per usual) on Jeremiah’s wrestling with God’s justice titled: “Like a Lamb to the Slaughter”.

Excuse me for editorializing, but I couldn’t help but be reminded of powerful words delivered by the towering pastors of yesteryear’s great awakening. Truly.., today was a wonderful day to be worshiping in one of the oldest and last remaining Pioneer Churches in the entire region: Longbranch Community Church.

*For those in a hurry, today’s Gideons presentation starts @ 22/13 and Pastor Johns masterful sermon begins @ 44minutes/22sconds.

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