10 Signs that you are a People Pleaser

2 years ago

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People pleasing is the act of trying to get people to like you. At its core, it's a self-destructive behavior. Sometimes people please because they have an insecurity, and they don't want to be rejected. Sometimes they please because they fear conflict. However, continuing this behavior will only create resentment towards others and most importantly yourself.

Do you always bend to the will of others, never say no, and constantly put yourself on the back burner? If these sounds like a description of you, then chances are you are a people pleaser. If you want to know how to stop being a people pleaser then these 10 signs may help you to find out in which ways you are still people pleasing:

1. 0:09 You Cannot Say “No”
2. 0:28 You Are Afraid of Other People’s Opinions of You
3. 0:50 You Don’t Allow Yourself “You” Time
4. 1:21 You Feel Guilty Setting Boundaries
5. 2:01 You “Over” Apologize
6. 2:46 You Constantly Need Others’ Approval
7. 3:26 You Typically Don’t Share How You Feel With Others
8. 4:13 You Have Low Self-Esteem
9. 4:55 You Always Agree in Order to Be Liked by Others
10. 5:47 You Fear Being Labeled “Selfish”

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