The Shemita Conspiracy

2 years ago

Here is a transcript of the text that appears on screen, in case it is hard to read. (I might got carried away with the fractals n stuff, but it was just too much fun to create those trippy weird visuals.)

The 7-year shemita cycle ends at the weekend (September 24th 2022), and then mysteriously economic collapses often occur.
Chapter 25 of the Book of Leviticus promises bountiful harvests to those who keep the Shmith and describes their observance as a test of religious faith. The current Shmita year is 2021–2022 or Anno mundi 5782 in the Hebrew calendar.
A Shmita takes place every seven years, the Torah stipulates that no crops may be grown on Jewish-owned land, so the land should lie fallow...
It fits like a glove. I just picked that up in passing, you have to decide for yourself if you attribute any meaning to this information.

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