2 years ago


Is Trichofol right for me?
I’ll admit, I get this question quite often and the answer is always the same.
If you suffer from hair thinning and haven’t been able to stop the deterioration of your follicles, then Trichofol is definitely right for you.
The root cause of your hair loss is the lack of enough blood vessels at your scalp level, which is causing your peripheral circulation to decrease to the level where your hair follicles shrink and die.

Fortunately, Japanese scientists have found a protein called VEGF that has the ability to increase the number of your blood vessels from your scalp, so the oxygen and nutrients rich blood can reach your dormant follicles and bring it back to life.

The key in activating this powerful protein in your body is a set of natural compounds found in some specific traditional Japanese dishes and known by the Samurai for centuries.

Trichofol is a 100% natural supplement which contains all the powerful ingredients from these superfoods plus a mix of specific vitamins to boost its power.

Once you start taking Trichofol, you’ll be able to fix your VEGF and ultra boost your scalp peripheral circulation so your hair follicles cand get the oxygen, vitamins and nutrients it needs in order to grow and thicken.

And your scalp has enough blood vessels to sustain a full head of hair, your hairline will start to improve in almost no time and your bald spots will grow thick, strong hair…

You deserved from the moment you were born.

Is Trichofol safe to use??
Extremely so.
Trichofol has been successfully tested by more than 68,000 men and women from all over the world with absolutely no reported side effects.
Well, maybe the only side effect is you keeping your money in your pockets and not funding Big Pharma’s shady business.

Trichofol addresses the real root cause of your hair loss in an extremely safe and natural way.

Now of course, if you suffer from allergies or other certain medical conditions at this very moment, we strongly advise that you consult with your doctor first.

How should I use Trichofol?
In order to achieve optimal results we recommend you take 2 power capsules after breakfast, lunch or dinner daily, with a big glass of water.
It should provide you with the necessary energy intake as well as extra protection against the dangerous scalp blood vessels shortage that shrinks your hair follicles.


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