Wrathion: The Devil in I | Complete Lore(Pre-Dragonflight)

2 years ago

“I will NOT be held accountable for the sins of my father. My destiny will be my own.”

— Wrathion[4]
Wrathion, the Black Prince, is one of the few black dragons on Azeroth[5] known to be uncorrupted by the taint of the Old Gods and, following the death of Deathwing and the destruction of the corrupted black dragonflight, one of the last known black dragons alive on Azeroth. Claiming to have seen a future where Azeroth falls, Wrathion helped heroes of the Horde and Alliance gaining powers, usually in the form of magical legendary items. He is, however, ruthless in his goals and pursues what he perceives as the greater good for Azeroth with almost fanatical devotion. As the self-proclaimed last black dragon, Wrathion believes that the titans' mandate to protect Azeroth now falls to him, and he will do whatever it takes to fulfill this charge once entrusted to Deathwing,[6] that he personally identify as his father.

After being purified and hatched during the war against Deathwing, Wrathion saw to the death of every other black dragon he knew of, including his father. He decided to take on the appearance of a dark-skinned human for his mortal disguise, and provided an adventurer rogue with the Fangs of the Father to hunt down the last dragons of the black dragonflight in Azeroth. After he nearly survived an assassination attempt of the red dragonflight, he claimed to take his destiny into his own hands and disappeared.

As the Alliance-Horde war intensified on Pandaria, Wrathion traveled to the once hidden continent and created his own organisazation, he then sought to use an adventurer gifted with a powerful cloak of his own creation in a plot to have one side wipe out the other,[7] making the world more secure against greater threats.[8] While his plan ultimately failed when King Varian Wrynn decided to make peace with Warchief Vol'jin instead of dismantling the Horde, Wrathion's ambition to safeguard the world remained unchanged. After he helped Kairozdormu release Garrosh Hellscream during his trial, Wrathion stayed in the shadows, observing the conflict between the forces of Azeroth and the Iron Horde, and which side would win the war in Draenor.

For years he traveled across Azeroth, seeking a way to fight the madness that once corrupted his flight. Near the end of the Fourth War, as N'Zoth was the one primarily responsible for his father's corruption, Wrathion once again offered his assistance.[9] This time, he created Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve to help Azeroth's champions resist the Old God's corruptive influence. Following the end of the Old God, Wrathion vowed that the black dragonflight would forevermore stand in defense of Azeroth, alongside its champions.

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