Information Warfare with LTC Steve Murray

2 years ago

Note from Peter: This episode is a firey one and may include claims and language you find alarming. As always, do not blindly believe what I or anyone else says. Do your own research and make up your own mind.

Steve Murray is a retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel, who previously commanded a Cyber Defense Battalion providing defensive cyber operations for the United States Pacific Command and US Army Pacific Forces.

How does information, misinformation and disinformation influence our beliefs and decisions? How do we think critically about what the media presents? Today I welcome retired U.S. Army Lt. Col. Steve Murray to the podcast. In this episode we go headfirst into LTC Murray's theories about current information warfare campaigns given his experience in the field of cyber operations and intelligence. This episode is likely to challenge your beliefs and trigger your emotions around politics and world events. Listen to this episode now to see the growing concerns some people have about the safety of American freedom.

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