Live Series with Chloë Aldam, mBraining for alignment with your inner wisdom in parenting

2 years ago

Can we, as parents, be at our best when our children are at their worst? Chloë shares some of her tricks and habits to slow down, listen and just be calm, irrespective of how big your child's emotions might be.
The secret to staying present is self-regulation (the parent's). Our children learn by mirroring what they see and hear - their experience of how we handle stressful moments.

We also discuss, briefly, the exciting aspects of development. For example, before about 7, children do not recognise their parts: they are wholly present and in the moment. However, they begin to understand past, present and future, and then develop "a part of me wants to" but "another part of me is scared".

How do we, as parents, stay present with all these developmental challenges as they navigate the emotional and hormonal rollercoaster of growing up? Can we allow them to be mad and upset, without pushing for them to squash it down so that we feel more comfortable?

Chloë is an mBIT Master Coach and Trainer, with more than 20 years experience in Bowen Therapy. She is also trained in Simplicity Parenting and offers individual and group coaching programs for parents.

For more information on Chloë Aldam and her parenting coaching services,

You can also find out more about Beth Gray & her coaching at
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