Beware of Neoplatonist, however much they may in fact speak the truth. Archaix = 666

2 years ago

Sounds and more 😄 @Tartarian Truth

Understanding Neoplatonism, the Mystical Interpretation of Platio
A Mystical Interpretation of Plato
Founded on the philosophy of Plato by Plotinus in the third century, Neoplatonism takes a more religious and mystical approach to the Greek philosopher's ideas. Though it was distinct from more academic studies of Plato during the time, Neoplatonism did not receive this name until the 1800s.

Plato's Philosophy with Religious Spin
Neoplatonism is a system of theological and mystical philosophy founded in the third century by Plotinus (204-270 CE). It was developed by a number of his contemporaries or near contemporaries, including Iamblichus, Porphyry, and Proclus. It is also influenced by a variety of other systems of thought, including Stoicism and Pythagoreanism.

The teachings are heavily based on the works of Plato (428-347 BCE), a well-known philosopher in classical Greece. During the Hellenistic period when Plotinus was alive, all who studied Plato would have simply been known as "Platonists."

Modern understandings led German scholars in the mid-19th century to create the new word "Neoplatonist." This action separated this system of thought from the one taught by Plato. The primary difference is that Neoplatonists incorporated religious and mystical practices and beliefs into Plato's philosophy. The traditional, non-religious approach was done by those known as "Academic Platonists."

Neoplatonism essentially ended around 529 CE after Emperor Justinian (482-525 CE) closed the Platonic Academy, which Plato himself founded in Athens.
By Catherine Beyer

"We not only enjoy a perfect imitation, we also enjoy the conviction that imitation has reached its apex and afterwards reality will always be inferior to it"
"the boundary between artificiality and reality will become so thin that the artificial will become the centre of moral value" - Umberto Eco

Simulacra and Simulation is a 1981 philosophical treatise by the philosopher and cultural theorist Jean Baudrillard.

Simulacrum synonyms: likeness · painting · drawing · picture · portrait · illustration · sketch · diagram · artist's impression · image · model · figure · figurine · statue · statuette · bust · head · effigy · icon · reproduction a reasonable simulacrum of reality
A likeness; a semblance; a mock appearance; a sham; -- now usually in a derogatory sense.

Prospero, acting, affectation, airiness, ally, alter ego, analogon, analogue, angle, appearance, aspect, associate, attitudinizing, bluff, bluffing, brother, certified copy, cheat, cheating, clinquant, close copy, close match, cognate, color, coloring, companion, complement, configuration, congenator, congener, coordinate, copy, correlate, correlative, correspondent, counterfeit, counterpart, dead ringer, deception, delusion, delusiveness, disguise, dissemblance, dissembling, dissimulation, double, dummy, duplicate, ectype, effect, effigy, eidolon, equivalent, ersatz, exact likeness, facade, face, facet, fair copy, faithful copy, fake, fakement, fakery, faking, fallaciousness, false air, false appearance, false front, false light, false show, falseness, falsity, fashion, feature, feigning, feint, fellow, figure, forgery, form, four-flushing, frame-up, fraud, front, gestalt, gilt, gloss, guise, hoax, humbug, humbuggery, icon, idealization, idol, illusionism, illusionist, illusiveness, image, imago, imitation, immateriality, impostor, imposture, impression, junk, kindred spirit, light, like, likeness, lineaments,
living image, living picture, look, magic, magic act, magic show, magician, manner, masquerade, match, mate, meretriciousness, miniature, mirroring, mock, model, near duplicate, obverse, ostentation, outward show, parallel, paste, pasticcio, pastiche, pendant, phase, phasis, phony, photograph, picture, pinchbeck, playacting, portrait, pose, posing, posture, prestidigitation, pretense, pretension, pretext, put-on, put-up job, reciprocal, reference, reflection, regard, representation, resemblance, respect, ringer, rip-off, rubbing, second self, seeming, semblance, shadow, sham, shape, shoddy, show, showing, side, similitude, simulation, sister, slant, sleight of hand, sorcerer, sorcery, soul mate, specious appearance, speciousness, spit and image, spitting image, style, such, suchlike, swindle, tally, the like of, the likes of, tinsel, total effect, trace, tracing, twin, twist, unactuality, unreality, unsubstantiality, varnish, very image, very picture, view, viewpoint, whited sepulcher, window dressing, wise

"The relevance to Archaix is further deepened by fact that 138 [cusp of Fine Structure Constant] years after the 2040 Phoenix visitation is exactly 2178 Anno Domini. It has been my position that calendars are constructs, the perimeters of a vast apparatus that contains us. Welcome to the Simulacrum." - Jason Breshears
Hate mail 🤡👉
#Archaix #Plato #Sophist #Dialect #Neoplatonism #simulacrum #simulacra #simulacrums

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