2 years ago

Lilly, 8 years old, ran out of the house a week after moving into a new home and was missing for almost full week.Our Family of 5 kids 2 adults looked everywhere for her
and thought she was gone forever. Almost week later,
one night around 10pm during a normal crazy chaoticnight after dinner, we were surprised by a Ring doorbel
camera notification. When Lilly's face popped up on our
tv screen and all Alexa show devices, she had rang the
door bell camera and meowed "mom" (the third meow)
demanding to come in. Our whole family's was shocked,
surprised and emotional to see Lilly's return and it was
also hilarious to see how she decided to greet us after a
long week of lost hope. Lilly is smart. She looks towards
the door every time the notification "someone is at your
front door" goes off. I don't know what she went through
in that week of being gone, but Lilly has not gone backk
outside since and looked petrified the night she came
home, which is not in Lilly's nature as she has always been
an indoor outdoor cat and was the boss running the block
at our old home for the last 4.5 years. We couldn't be more
grateful to have her back home with us.

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