Flawedcst Ep. #136: "Big Brother Tracks Your Deuce"

2 years ago

In this episode, we talk about the dupicitious measures Democratic senators have taken to subvert our Second mendment rights by using credit cards to make lists of those who purchase guns and ammunition.


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New way to track suspect credit card sales of guns and ammo approved by international organization

By: Clare. Hymes, Michael Kaplan - CBS News Sept. 9, 2022 - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/credit-card-sales-of-guns-and-ammo-merchant-codes/#app

Elizabeth Warren wants your credit card company to report you to the government by Brad Polumbo - Sep 9 - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/elizabeth-warren-wants-your-credit-card-company-to-report-you-to-the-government/ar-AA11DUDG

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