Obama is Bidens "My Brothers Keeper"

2 years ago

Genesis King James Bible.

The First Murder..

Cain Kills Abel his brother.

God asks where's Abel Cain?

I don't know: Am I my Brothers Keeper?

His Blood calls out to me from the ground. God.

Obama Foundation:

My Brothers Keeper Alliance: MBKA

We are our Brothers. says the website.

Out from Trumps/Bidens Staged election theatre:
Entertainment for the dumbed down masses.

To the number of his name: Revelation Chapter 13 14 15.

Obama's birth numbers.

1st My Brothers Keeper Event. MBKA

27th February 2014.

+ 6 Years 6 Months 6 Days (666)

+ 8 Weeks 4 Days /61 Days (world time zones)

= Election Day 3rd November 2020

for "Acting President Biden" while Obama sits in the shadows as the puppet master.

2nd My Brothers Keeper Event.

Freemason Lodge California.

18th February 2019.

+ 20 Months 16 Days (216)

= 3rd November 2020.

Election Day Biden/Obama.

Trump the election wasn't stolen it was rigged...

Trump plays the victim card once again as the Liar and Deceiver that he is in his own right in this game of political theatre in the USA where nothing is as it seems. Where Delusion, Deception, Trickery reigns supreme its all an illusion Folks.

Lucifer is the god on the American one dollar Bill and Obama is conduit representative for a New World Order.

Obama born 8.4.61

216th day of the year = 6x6x6 = Wikipedia Number 216.

Pi Faith In Chaos 1998.

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