Disneys "Little Demon" Pleased to Meet You Hope You Guessed My Name?

2 years ago

Barack Hussein Obama.

Born 4th August 1961.

The 216th Day of the Year.

6x6x6 = 216 = Wikipedia page number 216.

4.8.1961 (Satan's conduit representative born.) Antichrist.

ACDC. Antichrist Devils Children. Highway to hell.

Check out my Lucifer Morningstar murdered video. 4.8.

+ 2016 Days (216)

+ 666 Days

= Rolling Stones song.

Sympathy For The Devil.

Released Beggars and Banquet Album: 6th December 1968


Disney's little Demon Released 25th August 2022

+ 804 Days (Obama born 8.4)

= President Obama (Hellboy) back in the top job at the Whitehouse?

Movie Whitehouse down Jamie Fox.

Or will the precedent that Trump (controlled opposition) having what they called a second White House Mar - a Lago mean that Obama's new Presidential center in Jackson park Chicago will be the new headquarters for the Beast Man.

Time will tell..

There will be no order only chaos.

Pop culture and Hollywood know his name.

Does Jesus know yours?

Will you confess his name?

If not: Jesus will not confess your name either when at Death the great leveler it comes to us all (Rich and poor) we all stand individually before Almighty God at his throne to give account.

The line is really drawn in the sand.

As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

Where will you spend Eternity friend?

The body dies as does the soul that sins but then you enter eternity.

Redemmned or too Damnation.

Choose wisely.

Hell is separation from all that is right and good a place of no escape..

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