DCC Concepts Zen Black Decoder Review - Just how good is their ABC?

2 years ago

DCC Concepts Zen Black decoders are being recommended by other Model Railway YouTubers for their comprehensive ABC implementation.

Does it live up to the hype? Can I use this decoder on my fully-wired-for-ABC layout? Let's find out!

Table of Contents:
00:00 - Zen Black ZN218.6
00:57 - Decoder not recognised by JMRI
02:02 - The Manual (What's there, and what's conspicuously not)
02:40 - Sanity Checking on the DCC Concepts Forum
03:05 - Different Constant Distance ABC Braking implementations
04:48 - Testing the decoder's braking distance
07:11 - Understanding what has been implemented
08:20 - Testing the decoder's response with no.2 end leading
10:13 - Conclusions about the decoder
10:43 - Conclusions about the company

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