专心聆听(finalcall07) Listen Intently

2 years ago

source: https://youtu.be/JtXcO2V4rrM

2011年7月25日 finalcall07

专 心 聆 听






亲爱的朋友,我们不能心不在焉的听从耶稣。对于那些人,将来有一天他会对他们说,“走开,我从来都不认识你,你对我没有兴趣,你从来没有听从我的声音。我收到了你的信息,你所有的要求,你的订单和所有你想要的,但你对我和我的国却毫无兴趣”。 耶稣说:““你们要先寻求上帝的国和祂的义,这一切都会赐给你们。 ” 你要专心聆听,等候主,他就会对你说话。亲爱的朋友,要全神贯注于他,他也会向你显现。听从他你会活着,如果你不听从耶稣亲爱的朋友,你里面不会有生命,你也不可能跟从他,因为你没有从他那里得到任何指示,你并不认识他。你必须要专心聆听。愿耶稣祝福你!
Jesus said my sheep listen to my voice and they follow me. Have you ever seen a good dog listening to his master? He sits there and he watches his master intently, waiting on him, listening. Dear friends, if we want to follow Jesus, we must learn to listen intently. We must learn to wait on him. And then we will hear his voice because his sheep do hear his voice.

The majority of Christians have never learned to listen, and they're not following Jesus. When they have the acquire time, they're either reading the Bible, or they've got a grocery list that they write down, as they pray, "Lord, give me this, Lord, give me that. Lord, I pray for this. Lord, I pray for that." But they're not listening.

Some of them watch videos or movies, Christian movies, listen to Christian music. Have you ever visited somebody and you talking to him and he's not listening, he's watching the television and he gives you half an ear? That's how many people listen to Jesus. They are not listening. They are preoccupied obviously listening to something else. Their mind is far away from Him.

If we wish to follow Jesus, we must fix our mind on Him and listen. You cannot be half intoxicated and listen to Jesus. Many Christians are so drugged up prescription drugs, some are just drunk alcohol. They cannot listen. They cannot concentrate. They don't have the ability. They are drugged up. They cannot wait on the Lord. They will not hear His speaking. They cannot concentrate.

You've got to be sober. You've got to present yourself as a living and a Holy Sacrifice unto the Lord. Jesus said, "if anyone wishes to come after me, if he wishes, then let him deny himself, pick up his cross daily and come here follow me." If you want to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, you must present yourself for service every day. Not in the afternoon or the night when you've done everything you wanted to do, and you're so tired that you've fallen over. No. If you're a servant of the master, it's the first thing that you do when you open your eyes in the morning. And you wait on the Lord because you're His servant and you make yourself available to Him. And you listen intently. And you wait on Him and he will speak to you. Because He said, "if you wish to follow me." dear friends we cannot give Him half an ear. To those who do that, He will one day say, "go away from me, I never knew you. You had no interest in me. You never listened to me. I got all your messages I got all your requests and your orders, everything you wanted, but you were not interested in me or in my kingdom." Jesus said, "seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these other things will be added unto you."

But you are gonna listen intently, gonna go wait on the Lord, and He will speak to you. Give Him your full attention dear friend, and He will reveal Himself to you. Listen and you will live. If you don't listen to Jesus dear friend, you will not have life in you. You will not follow Him. Because you will not get any instructions from Him, you just won't know Him. You've got to listen intently. May Jesus bless you!

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