Blood Red Moons 1949/2015 Herald Antichrist: and The Day Of The Lord:

2 years ago

King James Bible Genesis chapter 1 says:

God made two lights. Sun and the Moon. Creation.


And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and for seasons, and for days and years.

Like what the 2009 Movie Knowing shows: "Mark your calendar".

When this happened in 2015 the BRM'S this was the talk of the town on social media. Here's what they missed:

Obama born on the 4th August 1961 the 216th Day of the year = 6x6x6
Born Last Century who will herald the coming of the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse.

Joel 2:31 and Acts 2:20 among many other scriptures say the natural phenomenon of Solar/Moon eclipses, Blood red moons will occur prior to the coming of the Lord to earth again at the opening of the sixth seal Revelation Chapter 6 the day of the highly visible rapture. The Day Of The Lord.

What has Hollywood to say on this?
Blasphemously, and in Error. (Predictive Programming)

Movie Rapture Palooza 2013 Craig Robinson.
(Pretrib, secret, erroneous, unbiblical Rapture theory).

Movie Left Behind 2014 Nicolas Cage.
(Pretrib, secret, erroneous, unbiblical Rapture theory).

These specific BRM'S fell on Jewish High Holy calendar days as a prelude to the great and terrible day of the Lord written in the KJB bible Genesis to Revelation.

1949 - 1950 Blood red Moons Tetrads.

Passover - 13.4.49.
Succoth 7:10:49.
Passover 2.4.50.
Succoth 26.9.50.

Add Days = 48 = Obama born 4.8 = 4th August.

1967 - 1968 Blood Red Moons Tetrads.

Passover 24.4.67.
Succoth 18.10.67.
Passover 13.4.68.
Succoth 6.10.68.

Add Days = 61 = Obama Born 1961.

1949 - 1950 - 1967 - 1968.

4 Years of Blood Red Moons.
8 Blood Red Moons.

Obama born that Century 4.8.61.

Revealing the Son of Perdition, Man of Sin, The Beast man. 666.

Hollywood depiction Movie The seventh son 2014.

2014 - 2015 Blood Red Moons Tetrads.

Passover 15.4.2014.
Succoth 8.10.2014.
Passover 4.4.2015.
Succoth 28.9.2015.

Now we have:

6 Years of Blood Red Moons Total.
12 Blood Red Moons Total.

612 - 216. = Wikipedia number 216. Loads of Movie programming.

April 1949 1st Blood Red Moon.

+ 66 Years 6 Months = Revelation 13:18.

= September 28th 2015 Last Blood Moon.

Counting Month to Month. 1949 April - 2015 September.

Times and seasons, days and years allotted to Obama.

Obama Born 4.8.61.

+ 66 Years 6 Months. (Rev 13:18 - He is the 666 Man)

= 4th February 2028.

The last 666 Milestone in his life before his 70th Birthday.

Movie Angel Has Fallen Last scene in the Movie.

Morgan Freeman after surviving a deadly head wound a depiction of the beast's head wound in Revelation chapter 13 says at the end to the acting president in the film you're out because I have 3.5 Years to go.

A depiction of Revelation chapter 13:5. (42 Months).

Obama's last 3.5 years = 1260 Days = 42 Months
(Biblical calendar 30 Day months).

2017 Movie "Split" a depiction of the Beast. Watch the Trailer.

The period of time as written in the book of Daniel and Revelation as
"The Great Tribulation". = 3.5 Years.

September 2015 is when Pope Francis and Barack Obama met at the Whitehouse then Francis went on to address the US Congress and then spoke at the UN General Assembly 17 Goals SDG 2030 agenda.

In the 66th Year and 6th Month of the "Signs" of seasons days years in the heavens preceding Christ's return in the clouds to gather his own.
Blood Red Moons on important Biblically marked days.

Kickstarted the Initiative that the Beast Man Obama and his Interfaith/Ecumenical Apostate, Heretical, False Prophet brought to the world and which had the Nations of the world sign off on.

Their Fraudulent/Substitute Luciferian, Global Depopulated, Draconian 17 millennial goals, to rival "Christs" prophesied coming millennial reign a 1000 years of peace with King Jesus ruling and reigning with a rod of iron from Jerusalem.

2015 - 2030 is 15 Years. (Rev 13:18)

= 180 Months.

= 60 Months + 60 Months + 60 Months = 666.

UN Founded 24th October 1945.

+ 84 Years (Obama born 8.4). Seasons are marked on the calander.

= 2030.

Wake Up/Wise Up now.... In the calm before the coming storm.

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