Video of a missile hitting the Pentagon on 9/11. Just now surfacing after the queen reptile dies?

2 years ago

The narrator maintains this is FBI footage of a SCUD missile hitting the Pentagon on 9/11. It would have been nice to have seen the continued explosion of this rare footage, but as brief as this video is, it seems hard to deny this is footage of what really hit the Pentagon on 9/11.

No plane for sure - just as with the tower wreckage, no plane parts or victims of any airplane were ever found.

That's because there wasn't any plane here, or at the towers.

Now that the Queen Reptile is dead (all those thousands in person and billions who watched that grotesque spectacle of pomp and circumstance for possibly the most horrendous creature and killing machine to ever live), and the truth is about to be hammered to the world, the phrase "pissed off" is about to have it's definition re-defined forever. The duped masses just paid homage to a Satanist monster like she was a revered saint. When the truth eventually comes out, "pissed off" will be the understatement for centuries to come.

Source of this video: Enlightened Humanity telegram channel, posted on 9/16/22

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