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2 years ago

You can get paid 950 bucks a week to manage a travel vlogger's YouTube channel

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If you’re looking for an easy way to make money online, check out this story by a 12-year-old boy who managed to get paid 950 bucks per week to manage the YouTube channel of a famous travel vlogger.

While this job might not be right for everyone, there are other ways to start making money on YouTube and we’ve got you covered with 6 suggestions that are much easier than what this kid did! Try them out and see how much money you can make!

What does it take.
1) Have Internet access, smartphone, laptop.
2) Ability to take 10-12 hours of your time per week.

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Details about what you do.

Some YouTube vloggers are looking for help with their channels and you could be the one. Just click on the link and fill out your application.

You'll need internet, a laptop or smartphone, and 10-12 hours of free time per week in order to help post videos.

What it takes to be successful.
Of course, if you're not interested in being a full-time YouTuber but want to take on this role as a side hustle,

then make sure you spend some time editing your clips and crafting great captions. As long as you are doing well with these responsibilities,

you should have nothing to worry about because management is the only real work that needs to be done.

How it works?
Becoming a partner on someone else's YouTube channel is one of the most tried and true methods of earning money.

As an administrator, you simply need access to the internet, ten hours of free time per week, and some social media savvy.

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Here are your steps:
simply find your favourite YouTube channels with open slots for new partners

Where do I sign up?
Click the link description below,

It takes about 10-12 hours per week, usually starting in the evening or on the weekends, and doesn't require any special qualifications.

The video managing gig seems to be popping up more frequently as it grows in popularity.

So if you're looking for a great side hustle and have 10-12 hours of free time per week,

look no further! Just click the link in the description below and confirm your application.

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