The Voice Points To The Word | Sermon 09/18/2022

2 years ago

John 1:19-28

The Prologue was the first introduction of the Word and now this historical account of John the Baptist is to serve as a second introduction of the Word-made-flesh, Jesus Christ. A delegation of priests and Levites is sent from the Pharisees in Jerusalem to investigate who John is. Since even before his birth, it has been prophesied that John would be the forerunner before the coming Lord.

And he begins his mission of witness and testimony well by judicially confessing that he is not the Christ. With messianic fervor and eschatological expectation in the air they ask him if he then is Elijah (as prophesied by Malachi) or the Prophet (as expressed by Moses from the Lord). He denies that he is either lest the spotlight come to him, even though he has come “in the spirit and power of Elijah.” Knowing the delegation couldn’t go back to Jerusalem without a positive answer of something they ask John what he says about himself. He quotes from Isaiah the prophet, “I am A VOICE OF ONE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS, ‘MAKE STRAIGHT THE WAY OF THE LORD.” The humility of John the Baptist is only proceeded by the One who comes after him. He was not looking for any fame as he simply calls himself a “voice.”

They ask him then where does he get the authority or status to baptize the people if he is not one of those figures. The witness of the Messiah, John, then points to the One who is no longer simply coming but to the One who stands among them whom they know not. John then makes one of the most profoundly humble statements toward himself while exponentially exalting toward the One who comes after him. It was a slave’s job to remove the sandals from their master and tend to their feet. But John says he is not even worthy enough to remove the sandal of Jesus Christ. A slave’s job is too high a privilege knowing who the Master is. John’s example to us is one in which we should always look to make little of ourselves but great of God.

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