The Lazar Tape

2 years ago

The Lazar Tape and Excerpts from the Government Bible. Bob Lazar accounts his experience when he worked as a senior staff physicist on propulsion systems of extraterrestrial vehicles for the United States government between December of 1988 and April of 1989. He refers to this project as 'The most secret project in history.' All of these events are said to have occurred at a facility known as S4 on the Nellis Air Force range in central Nevada, located 15 miles south of the Area 51 installation. Some other points covered: How vast distances of space are traveled by virtue of an intense gravitational field. How this gravitational field is generated. What the power source is and how it functions. General information about discs and the project at S4. Information about the beings that brought us this technology. How these beings have historically interacted with Man. How to travel distances faster than the speed of light. Time bending, space time warping, space-time distortion, non linear travel, how to generate a gravitational field, gravity wave theory, gravitons sub-atomic particles theory, element 115, particle accelerators, element 116 decay, antimatter radiation, what is antimatter, how a matter and antimatter collision creates energy, thermoelectric generators, heat conversion to electrical energy. What is the power source that provides the power required for this type of travel? The power source is a reactor which uses element 115 as a fuel and uses a total annihilation reaction to provide the heat which it converts to energy making it a compact lightweight efficient onboard power source. Bob Lazar is a voice from the Aether.

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