#blackpeople #mentalhealth #podcast 10 Reason Why Black People Is Mentally Retarted

2 years ago

Season 5 Episode 1 beat by styles P Give N Take

On today's episode of Repent Or Die Podcast, Junns(host) will be talking about the 10 Reasons Why Black People are Mentality Retarted and how it has affected not only the people but the communities as well. These are the Ten Key factors and we are sure there are many more. Here are the 10. please follow the movement by subscribing to all platforms and with your help, we can build this brand that will represent the people.

10 reasons why Black people are mentally retarded

Black people are the only people that have hatred for their brothers and sister
Black people don’t see anything wrong with killing each other
Black people don’t mind their living conditions don’t matter if it’s bad or worst
Black people are the only people who don’t care about their health as they are supposed too
Black people are quick to forget what the man did but never forget nor forgive their brother
Black people don’t care about children
Black people don’t read nor research anything
Black people all want to do the same damn thing
Black people won't take correction unless it’s from another race of people
Black people stand for nothing and follow anything
Extra credit, we don’t feel comfortable in my own skin
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#repentordiepodcast #bible #TMH

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