Let Reason Go (Spiritual Poetry) – Mahmoud Shabestari

2 years ago

Unlike household names like Rumi and Hafiz, not a lot of people, especially in the West, are familiar with the life and works of 14th century Persian Sufi mystic Mahmoud Shabestari – and yet, he's one of Sufism's most admired poets.

"Let Reason Go" is a short, but incredibly deep poem that dives into the notion that we can't "see" God or experience nonduality, unless we transcend our mind's duality to see the Oneness in everything.

Specifically, Shabestari encourages us to let all of our reasoning go, and not rely so heavily on our minds to unravel the secrets of the Universe. Instead, all this peace and wisdom can be found by surrendering to the beauty of our hearts, where one can truly see "the Light of Lights."

Hope you enjoy, and please don't forget to like, share, and subscribe!

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Let reason go. For His light
burns reason up from head to foot.

If you wish to see that Face,
seek another eye. The philosopher
with his two eyes sees double,
so is unable to see the unity of the Truth.

As His light burns up the angels,
even so does it consume reason.
As the light of our eyes is to the sun,
so is the light of reason to the Light of Lights.

~ Mahmoud Shabestari

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