Did Earth Start as a Gas Giant?

2 years ago

Did the Earth start out as a gas giant? It sounds crazy, but there's a bunch of problems with the theory of plate tectonics - why are the oceans only 200 million years old? Why do the continents fit together better on a globe that's 80% smaller in diameter? What's the mechanism for all that movement? There are good reasons to believe the Earth used to be smaller, so while we figure them out we go to the Glass Forge for a MOLTEN GLASS demo of what an "Expanding Earth" could have looked like... and even do a calculation to show a very reasonable atmospheric height that's sufficient to crush the Earth down to half its present volume.

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Special thanks to Jeffrey Wolynski, who first brought the Earth-as-Gas-Giant idea into our field of view. It has also been popularized by the 20th century Soviet scientist Oparin and the NYU grad student Anthony Abruzzo (https://www.gsjournal.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/274/Anthony%20J.,%20Abruzzo). We highly recommend their papers and Jeffrey's YT Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrWolynski

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BIG THANKS to The Glass Forge: https://glassforge.com/contact/

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Shilo Delay


Jon Presstone
Humans Win
Tom Goldstein
Rent Kid
Adrian Berenguer

#geology #science #astronomy

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