Distro Monday 25: FerenOS Makes the Switch From Windows Easy & More

2 years ago

Feren OS



Freedom Consultation

Torvalds Made Fedora Run on his M2 MB Air

Intro to TF.Pro

DM 25-1: Feren OS has a migration tool, give it a try.

Feren OS is a debian based distro, which means that it is stable, perhaps lagging in terms of package up-to-date-ness, but stable and safe to try for newbies. It will copy data from Windows and bring it over to Linux when you use it. That is pretty sweet. We’ll demo it for you later in the week, so that you can see it for yourself, and hopefully have more courage to give this Linux thing a try for yourself.


#Distromonday #Linux #FerenOS #transfertool #easybutton #TechFreedom

So true. Which is it gonna be on this Monday morning? Can you, or can’t you? Where is your head today? What do you believe about yourself? If you believe you can’t, change your belief, and watch your reality begin to shift.

#Distromonday #memesplanation #ithinkican #positivity #TechFreedom

DM 25-2: EndeavourOS Artemix Nova Released: vanilla GRUB + 5.19.7 Kernel

Endeavour has been struggling with os-prober in GRUB, so they disabled it by default, and beware when you change/update the kernel, as you will have extra steps. The developers see this distro as a starting place for tinkering, not as a “finished” distro (probably part of why it is Arch based, but this also sounds like a bit of a cop-out to me, quite frankly).


#Distromonday #Linuxnews #EndeavourOS #Arch #updates #TechFreedom

Freedom Consultation

Ever wondered how to get free from Big Tech? This Free consultation will leave you with at least pointers to the tools and services you’ll need to do just that. This is a FREE 90 minute call with me, where I will demo some varieties of Linux for you, some replacement apps, talk about degoogled phones, and give you links to how to start the process of taking control of your digital life online as well.


#distromonday #TechFreedom #consultation #free

DM 25-3: Linus Torvalds Tweaks Fedora 36 to Work on His M2 Macbook Air

Vaguely unhappy with Asahi Linux, he chose to apply some of the tooling from that project to Fedora Workstation 36 to make it “run” on his laptop, keep in mind that you have to be near his level to keep it running decently, but when it runs, it is more than plenty to do Linux Kernel development work with, as the M2 is very powerful and efficient.


#Distromonday #Linux #Penguinslikeapplestoo #Asahi #Fedora #custom #hax #LinusTorvalds #TechFreedom

Tech Freedom Intro: What to expect from my channels and website.


#intro #TechFreedom #telegram #truthsocial #publicsq #gab

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