Podcast 27: Grieve & Heal Together - Part 1 - What’s Coming (48 Minutes)

2 years ago

Waking up to the truths of our world is painful.

Many complied with every demand of the government since March 2020. Many chose to practice civil disobedience and experienced punishment and hate by the very same government that they used to believe works for them. Many face financial destruction with no end in sight. Many have lost loved ones. The truth is there isn’t a single soul on our planet that hasn’t been directly and indirectly affected by the leaders of our world one way or another since March 2020. And, many are now coming to the realization that this is not ending anytime soon. They recognize something is very wrong…finally.

Grief is coming. The Great Awakening to the truth, whether you want to acknowledge it yet or not is coming. For many it’s already here. For others they are still living the lives of human ostriches pretending this will all just go away. Eventually the pendulum will swing back, right? Wrong. This is different. You know it deep down, but don’t want to look at it because it’s your human nature to want to avoid emotional pain.

So, whether you are wide awake, starting to awaken from your slumber, or fast asleep, the truth will get to you eventually. And while I believe that is a very good thing (eventually) the process of recognizing the truth of our world will require you to grieve.

You will grieve.

You will grieve the life you once had and what you thought to be true. You will grieve and need to process the sadness & heartbreak for how you were treated by others. You will grieve and need to process the shame & guilt for how you’ve treated others. And lastly, you will grieve the decisions you made and pressured others to make. It is inevitable.

But, it’s ok. I promise. You have to go through this. We all do. Together. In this video, I walk you through at a high level what is coming. Moving forward, I’ll walk you through the stages of grief from the lens of how you can deprogram your mind from the psychological manipulation we’ve all experienced. So pour yourself a large glass of wine or tall beer and dig in.

Until next time,

Dr. Deprogram


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