The Raw Deal (19 September 2022)

2 years ago

Began with a RAND report published in Sweden that the US provoked Ukraine into a war with Russia in order to benefit the US to weaken Germany and make the EU more dependent upon the US while draining its capital and skilled labor. None of this would surprise me. No doubt, stopping Nord Stream II from opening was a major motive, because cheap gas for Germany via Russia would have reduced world tensions and made NATO unsustainable, which had to be cut off at the earliest possible opportunity. No matter what you may be reading in the papers, Russia is prevailing and has the upper hand--which is good because Putin is fighting against the NWO on behalf of the entire population of Earth, where Reiner Fuellmich has exposed the game plan, which is advancing far too fast for anyone to not be seriously concerned. The Mar-a-Lago warrant may be excessively broad and be tossed, in the opinion of a former FBI official, which is a point I have made many times in the past. Chuck Schumer has told Nancy Pelosi that the Democrats are going to lose in November, which comes as no surprise to those of us who follow politics. Almost all of the policies Biden has adopted since coming into office (illegally) have been destructive of America, including the flood of immigrants across the border, which appears to be the implementation of the North American Union without the consent of the governed. Why are we not surprised? AOC says transporting 50 migrants to Martha's Vineyard was a "crime against humanity", which about sums it up. I review more Democrat absurdities and take calls from Brian, Chris, and Paul. Apologies for the background noise, which we were unable to fix.

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