They have been planning this for a very long time

2 years ago

"THE PLANNED-DEMIC OF 2020", was just the beginning of the end..........

They "The Fallen Angels", and "The Evil, Jealous, Vengeful, Wrathful, Angry Demigod of the Old Testament.

Yaltaboath/Samuel aka Yahweh/Satan, have been planning this for a very long time......

This is nothing new, infact there is a lot of prophecy in regards to "The Walking Dead".

But what you didn't know, "ZOMBIES" are nothing more than dead corpses, possessed by demons.....

Demons will give the power to the dead corpses, to rise from the dead....

Using their bodies to cause, death and destruction upon other living humans, left behind on the first Rapture/Ascension...

Only the 144,000 will possess the knowledge wisdom and understanding how to dispose of demons and fallen angels.

The rest of humanity who were left behind, we'll have to fend for themselves, and die trying to survive the Demonic onslaught.....

The humans that took "The Mark of The Beast", will witness, and see everything that their dead corpse does while possessed by a demon.

They will not have the power to stop it, only watch in horror as their worst nightmare comes to life!!!!

So relax, those that are in Christ Jesus...

Because you have absolutely nothing to worry about !!!

But those that rejected Jesus, and accepted "The Mark (💉) of The Beast (⚕️🐍)"......

Have everything to worry about, I'm just glad I'm not wearing your filthy shoes when it all goes down !!!!!

Archangel Michael
#thesupernaturaldemonhunter #injesusitrustwithjesusistand #TODAYSHEADLINES

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