Do Every Single Thing with Love - Rumi Poem

2 years ago

Love makes everything we do so much more beautiful and meaningful.

When we embody love, our Soul connects with our Beloved, which is why we feel a deep sense of joy, purpose, and peace.

But what happens when we don't do things out of love? What happens when we try to connect with our Beloved purely out of guilt or fear?

Dive into this deep poem by Rumi to learn the answers, and learn why you should do every single thing with love.

If you're a fan of Rumi poetry & spiritual poetry, or just want to raise your spiritual awareness and achieve spirituality awakening, this inspirational video is definitely for you.

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© 2022 Najim Mostamand


Full Poem:

Without love,
all worship is a burden,
all dancing is a chore,
all music is mere noise.
All the rain of heaven
may fall into the sea.
Without love,
not one drop could become a pearl.
Without love,
even the shining brightest stars
get burned out, eclipsed and extinguished.

~ Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi

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