"Grief as Worship" | Glorious Ruin, Part 02 | Tullian Tchividjian

2 years ago

This is Part 2 in a series through the book of Job, Tullian has entitled “Glorious Ruin.”

In this message—“Grief as Worship"—we see that sadness and grief and frustration and confusion in the face of pain and suffering is sanctioned by God. In other words, it’s OK to mourn.

Sadly, the required cheerfulness that characterizes many of our churches has produced a suffocating environment of pat, religious answers to the painful, complex questions that riddle the lives of hurting people. But the Bible doesn’t brush lightly over pain. Nowhere do we see God taking a “suck it up and deal with it” posture toward hurt. Jesus is, after all, the Man of Sorrows, the crucified God who meets us in our grief.

We hope this message encourages you greatly…

Job 1:13-22

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