Find Out What Pleases the Lord - Part 3

2 years ago

By Pastor Gary Wayne

We have been emphasizing that this month of September is a transition month where we need to re-focus on the priorities of our relationship with God
Spiritual Emphasis Month.

Text: Luke 18:1-8, Ephesians 5:8-10
Ver.10 “…and find out what pleases the Lord. NIV

I want to emphasize the importance of prayer.
Luk.18:1-8 “..they should always pray and not give up.…” NIV

Is it important that every one of us pray? Not just over the meal, but is it important we know how to spend quality time with God in prayer?
I doubt anyone would answer no; it’s not that big of a deal.

But the truth is our actions answer that question rather then what we say with my words this morning as Pastor asks a loaded question.

What is the #1 reason our prayers are not answered? We don’t pray.

Why do we quit praying?
A lot of reasons, but I believe often it is because we start to view what we believe about prayer from our experience rather than God’s truth.

For example, the times people press into prayer, and spend time, but in the end, they can be left with a feeling it was a waste of time.
It didn’t seem anything happened, so…..

I want us to view the importance of prayer from God’s perspective.
From His view do you think He thinks your prayers are important?
Jer 33:3 'Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.'

1Ti 2:1 Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men,
8 I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting;

If our enemy understands the value of prayer, how would he keep us from praying? If he could get us to believe wrong things about prayer.
- Its value - its purpose - its effectiveness -

What is intercession?
The act of intervening on behalf of another.
What is intercession prayer? Praying on behalf of others.

Ezekiel 22:30 “So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.”
What a sad scripture.

I want each one of us to pause for a moment and ask ourselves:
How do I measure up to this scripture?
If God is looking for His people to stand in the gap for Seeley Lake, am I available to pray His heart for my city?

S.D. Gordon quote: “You can do more for God and for man than pray, but you can’t do more than pray until you’ve prayed.”

James Goll quote: “Declaration is like a light switch that releases the power to begin to flow where it has been directed.”

God is looking for people to go between, to go from the natural to the supernatural, and paint targets that give Him an invitation to act.

In Seeley Lake, where should we paint targets?
What people groups do you feel the Holy Spirit asking you to paint a target on?

Read :
Intercessory Declaration for Seeley Lake Valley
We declare a new embedded operating system for Seeley Lake.
A system created, ordained & controlled by the Holy Spirit of God.
Written in the book of destiny.
A system that operates under the banner of God’s love & our testimony causing this land to be of that Love. A place of Reconciliation. A place of Refreshing. A place of Restoration. A place of Unity & Community. A place of Healing. A place that Nurtures Families.
A place where the broken are made whole and the spiritually dead are brought to life.
where the weak are made strong. A place of creative provision,
A place that is a seed bed of life springing up, A place of passion for the Lord Jesus Christ.

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