This Is What Would Happen if the Speed of Earth’s Rotation Suddenly Got Faster

2 years ago

If you stop and think about it, the fact that we are here and living on this planet is something of a miracle. It is truly incredible what forces had to work together perfectly to create the living conditions on Earth.

But have you ever wondered what would happen if the Earth's rotation suddenly accelerated? Hold on tight while you ponder all the different things that could happen if you start spinning faster.

If the Earth's rotation accelerated by 1 mile per hour, water levels near the equator would rise by several inches, but it would take years for the change to be noticed. And some of the satellites flying over us would have been out of balance and out of orbit.

Satellites in geostationary orbit fly at the same speed as the earth rotates, so they are always in the same spot. If the Earth rotates a little faster, satellites that control television broadcasts, military and intelligence communications, and operations could be affected. Some satellites carry fuel and can be adjusted, but some may need replacement.

And what about weather and natural disasters? Let's just say it wouldn't be good...

Hurricanes are stronger when the Earth is spinning faster. This is because its rotation pushes the wind further east, making the hurricane more impactful.

Big problems also need to be addressed. As the Earth spins at 1 km/h, the water around the equator deepens by a few centimeters in a few days.

Spinning at 100 miles per hour, the equator begins to sink, submerging places such as northern Australia and islands near the equator, and water continues to rise as the Earth spins faster.

But what about earthquakes?

The equator is currently rotating at 1,037 miles per hour, but if it were rotating at 24,000 miles per hour, the Earth's crust would eventually shift, flattening the poles and causing a bulge in the region around the equator will cause even more devastating megaquakes. Let's hope that doesn't happen anytime soon... I love how the earth spins these days...

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