Prophetic View - Podcast 6 - Let's talk about Jesus and His Innocence

2 years ago

Hi Guys!

In this podcast, I want to underline with you "The Innocence of Christ Jesus", and reflect on how this may help us to read the signs of the time today.

I served as am a Specialist in Childhood Care and Special Education and
served as Project Coordinator for vocations and youth ministry workshops. I also enjoyed within my journey as Lay Missionary in the daily life with Christ, the humble privilege of practicing spiritual accompaniment, animations and different missions regarding Theology of the Body. Helping people to experience their growth in faith and awaken themselves to the present of God in their life is wonderful. Helping parents journey in welcoming their children as a gift and understanding their role - a holy one - is a true gift!

One thing that comes out – in all my experiences – is observing the constant attack of the enemy on the « innocence » of human beings.

In a time where children's dignity is being jeopardize by adults, especially when it comes to their identity, I thought it would be interesting and in fact, essential, to go back in Christian roots to discover or re-discover, how God sees the child and the importance of "innocence". Innocence deserves respect, reverence and protection.

So I hope you enjoy this time with me and let God show you how beautiful - and powerful - your innocence is.

God bless!

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