God's Message for You – #GodHelps #GodMessage #JesusChrist #Bible #Jesus #Motivational #Motivation

2 years ago

praise you for the assurance that even as the devil seeks to harm me, Lord Jesus, you : seca. tent fee TV ag Neko o peony U your name, Lord. And I thank you for hearing and answering my PRAYER

Lord, help me to put on your full armor so that | will be able to stand against such evil. The devil may seek to block my progress as he launches arrows of doubt and confusion of temptation and hopelessness, but | come against all of this negativity in the name of Jesus Christ.

Evmeery attempt from the enemy to disturb and frustrate. | pray that you destroy and block all of his efforts.Mighty God, I plead the blood of Jesus and ask that you will beat back the forces of darkness that try to threaten me

!am happy that.you are in control. And 1 invite you to continue to rule in all of my affairs. As | approach you today, | seek your counsel, your care, and your protection. | pray that you block every attack from the devil

Dear Heavenly Father, | say you are an almighty God, I call you my deliverer and my problem solver. Thank you for your sovereign power over my life. Thank you for the opportunity to be called your child and to benefit from your heavenly care

| praise you for the assurance that even as the devil seeks to harm me, Lord Jesus, you will fight for me and cause me to overcome. | bless your name, Lord. And I thank you for hearing and answering my prayers

I pray that you will send your power from heaven into all of my situations and you will break every chain that seeks to bind me. | thank you for the promise that you will preserve me and keep me safe.

Lord, help me to put on your full armor so that | will be able to stand against such evil. The devil may seek to block my progress as he launches arrows of doubt and confusion of temptation and hopelessness, but | come against all of this negativity in the name of Jesus Christ

Every attempt from the enemy to disturb and frustrate. | pray that you destroy and block all of his efforts.Mighty God, I plead the blood of Jesus and ask that you will beat back the forces of darkness that try to threaten me

lam happy that you are in control. And I invite you to continue to rule in all of my affairs. As | approach you today, | seek your counsel, your care, and your protection. | pray that you block every attack from

Dear Heavenly Father, | say you are an almighty God, I call you my deliverer and my problem solver. Thank you for your sovereign power over my life. Thank you for the opportunity to be called your child and to benefit from your heavenly care.

I praise you for the assurance that even as the devil seeks to harm me, Lord Jesus, you will fight for me and cause me to overcome. | bless your name, Lord. And I thank you. for hearing and answering my prayers in Jesus' name, Amen

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