Tips For Self-Care.

2 years ago

Quick tips for self-care.

Self-care is an important activity that should be done every day. Doing so will lead to improved overall health and wellness. Life is precious, and is meant to be enjoyed.

Below are some suggestions to consider among each of the eight domains of wellness. Feel free to modify, replace, or implement your own. Remember, self-care is all about you.

* Emotional – Talk to someone, read, do something artistic, listen to music, watch something that suits your mood (or does the opposite and changes it), cry it out, hug someone, laugh, take a nap.
* Environmental – Take a walk, breathe in fresh air, enjoy the sun, work out, enjoy the night sky, clean your space, redesign a room. Financial – Develop a practical financial plan, open a savings account, start saving no matter how small the amount, try saving even more if you are already saving, cut back on unnecessary purchases, consider where you can cut corners, avoid credit cards, ask for a raise.
* Intellectual – Read, listen to audiobooks, watch documentaries, complete puzzles, be alert of the world around you, be curious, try something new, take a class, do a course, finish your eduction.
* Occupational – Learn a trade, get a degree, train for a promotion, polish your resume, apply for your dream job, take on a task you enjoy, open your own business.
* Physical – Work out daily, take a walk, eat healthy, get your annual checkup, see the dentist, take medications as prescribed, avoid drugs and alcohol, get 7-9 hours of sleep, see a doctor when you don’t feel well.
* Social – Meet up with friends and family, keep in contact with old friends, volunteer, go out, engage in healthy social media use, keep positive, laugh.
* Spiritual – Meditate, pray, reflect, visit a meaningful site, do right by others, be mindful, consider your higher purpose and meaning, look to your higher power for support, help those in need.

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