2 years ago

The battle to SAVE AMERICA from globalism (i.e. Socialism, Marxism, and Communism) is the most important battle of our lifetime! UNITY is the ONLY WAY, and it must happen NOW!!

We are calling on ALL AMERICANS who believe that the US Constitution is the greatest and most important CORNERSTONE to the idea of the American Experiment (aka. Freedom, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness, and Justice FOR ALL) to come out and UNITE with your fellow Americans - regardless of politics or religion or race - and stand together on ONE DAY, with ONE VOICE, and send ONE MESSAGE to our elected officials - ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! "IT ENDS WHEN WE ALL SAY NO"

Please RSVP to attend the Global Unity Rally, TODAY!! This is the most important action you can take right now to save America from the grasp of those who would seek to destroy this Great Nation and the American way of life! Please visit and simply enter your Email Address! That is it...just that one step! Join 6 Million+ other fellow Americans who have already committed to participating in this monumental PEACEFUL event that will reverberate the notion and message of FREEDOM around the GLOBE!

Once you RSVP, then information with details regarding this event will be provided to you on a regular basis. The Date, Time, and nearest location for this event will not be announced until shortly before the event - and all these details will be provided at the same time to everyone who RSVP. All other efforts have failed because of infiltrators, egos, and others co-opting the message. Our message MUST remain simple, peaceful, and grassroots for it to work and be effective. Commit TODAY to be part of this - this is the ONLY HOPE we have as WE THE PEOPLE to save America from the clutches of those who wish to destroy the last great hope for LIFE, FREEDOM, LIBERTY and JUSTICE that mankind has ever known! UNITY!!!

Please Like, Comment, and SHARE this video and this message with everyone you know! We need 10Million, 15Million, 20Million+ people to turn out to the Global Unity Rally...and we really should have 50Million+! The time is now to stand united together as AMERICANS and demand that our elected officials abide by their OATH TO UPHOLD THE US CONSTITUTION!! It can only happen by the power of WE THE PEOPLE!!!

May God Bless You, and may GOD Bless and Preserve THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!

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