Open Letter to America on the 4th of July 2021!

2 years ago

The Independence of America is being threatened like never before! Just the things that have transpired in the last year has shown everyone the fast-track America on to being destroyed beyond recognition - rapidly reaching that point of no return. The greatest of American Patriots, Christians, Churches, and HEROES are being persecuted and destroyed! The greatness of America is on Life Support - and never before has this nation need the UNITY of WE THE PEOPLE, as it does this very day!

As Citizens of the United States, there is far more that UNITES us, rather than DIVIDES us! We must come together, harness the power of WE THE PEOPLE, and with a singular voice put on notice those that wish to destroy the US CONSTITUTION: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!


Please stand up, take action, and unite with your fellow AMERICANS to exhaust all peaceful means in saving this great nation from the clutches of the Globalist Elites, the Deep State, the Marxists, and the Communists! RSVP today for GGUR (the Great Global Unity Rally) Event of Summer of 2022! You can RSVP by visiting

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