argument w/ myself over beatles songs+ag's terrible rendition of i should have known better

2 years ago

what's the most popular beatles song
i wanna hold your hand is the lamest song ever
they got way more creative potential
ob la di ob la da is the best beatles song ever for traditional reasons
lots a self awareness thanks tho
plz plz me and it is not track one
sitting here and waiting for the answer is more fun
so much better to wait, man
instant gratification ain't good for society
all the other countries gonna be morbidly obese and popping pills if they don't watch themselves
it rains pills here in america
"mark" actually wrote let it be
so true tho!
brian jones situation possibly
LET IT BE damnit
pet sounds was such a better album
i wouldn't be doing this "art"
not high art, you're just high haha
i have an assignment (that i did not complete by the way)
4:20 like clock work

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