i won't say it's easy but it's worth it/i feel right at home all alone

2 years ago

this is the hello song
so hard for me to leave in general
it's a party all for me
we got the whole punch bowl
fucked the fucked the fucked the fucked up
everybody doth choose it (subconsciously)
i wish i could make em see the error of their ways
there's a reason why i'm a comedian
stand up comedy chose me, not the other way around
repoire for rockin the boat
if you want castle access, i'll give you the pass to the mote
my crazy ass frenz, love em so much
highest on the totem pole, just sayin
i'll say it once more
what was i trying to say haha
dunderdead simpletons everyone everywhere
i don't mean all the people you wanna say i mean
dot dot dot so true!
schizophrenia at its' finest
you just don't understand it, doesn't make it wrong
i was confusing john, paul, george and ringo with matthew, mark, luke and john
what if it was the fab 5
needing sleep vs. being a woman vs. not being JC$
not trying to cover that song
sari yawl i crack myself up
you gotta write the joke right, damnit
let it be amy let it be
their hits were complete crap compared to the ones that got no radio time
they never talk up what they should
they don't even appreciate or understand the beatles or anything else for that matter

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